Revamping This Marketing SaaS To Improve User Retention & Customer Satisfaction

Revamping This Marketing SaaS To Improve User Retention & Customer Satisfaction

What's ManyReach?

What's ManyReach?

Cold outreach is at the heart of any B2B company’s sales process. It’s a cheap & efficient way for small businesses to reach their dream clients & a proven channel for enterprise businesses to improve their sales cycle.

Manyreach is a cold outreach platform focused on catering to beginners & power users. In the sea of cold outreach platforms, Manyreach helps businesses with cold emailing features no other tool offers. The only problem is that their platform looks like it was designed in 2010 - well not anymore!

Customers Kept Complaining About UX Issues

Customers Kept Complaining About UX Issues

Manyreach started off with a solid lifetime deal offer to attract hundreds of customers onto the platform. They realized customers kept complaining about the same issues again & again:

Customers found it hard to use the platform therefore user retention took a big hit. With multiple features, users found it difficult to fully utilize the options presented to them.

What We Did in 4 Days of Working Together

What We Did in 4 Days of Working Together

This is what the ManyReach dashboard looked like before they came to us.

This is a re-design we came up within 4 days of working together:

The Testimonial

The Testimonial

The team pulled off the MVP really fast & really good. They were very proactive with researching about the industry & users before scoping the project. The final output justified their efforts - potential investors loved it & got great feedback from initial testing with users.

Bricx pulled off the MVP fast & exactly what we were looking for. Potential investors loved it & the overall feedback has been very positive.


The process

The process

Interview with CEO & CTO

Interview with CEO & CTO

We kicked off the project by doing multiple research calls with the key stakeholders of Manyreach. No one knows the ins and outs of the product better than the people who spend day and nights crafting it.

In these interviews, we went deep into their target customers, the product, and their strategy.

Our goal: make the experience as delightful as possible.

Interview with Customers

Interview with Customers

After talking to the leadership, we wanted to understand the core problems customers were facing with the tool & cold outreach. We went deep into learning about their process of using similar tools & doing cold outreach.

These two sessions led to great insights to create a good product that users will love!

User Flows

User Flows

To create meaningful user experiences, we started off by building user flows for all the actions user can take.

This allowed us to uncover a valuable insight: there needs to be a segregation between a basic user & a power user.

‍Power users were the customers who knew how the tool worked. They wanted an easy to use tool where they can perform the action with minimum clicks & finding features should be easy.

‍Basic users were customers who didn’t know much about cold outreach. They wanted a simple interface with a straightforward approach to creating & launching their cold email campaign.

Have a look at this comprehensive user flow for ManyReach

UX Audit

The next key move was doing a comprehensive UX Audit of the existing tool to find opportunities to improve user experience.

Some Key Findings

Some Key Findings

Complex Navigation

UX AuditThe next key move was doing a comprehensive UX Audit of the existing tool to find opportunities to improve user experience.

Inconsistent Visual Design

The UI appears inconsistent in terms of color schemes, typography, and overall visual style. This inconsistency makes the tool feel unprofessional and difficult to use.

Cluttered Layout

The existing design suffers from a cluttered interface with too many elements on a single screen, potentially overwhelming users and causing confusion.

Lack of Clear Onboarding

There was no clear onboarding process or interactive tutorials to help new users get started. This could lead to frustration and abandonment and hence low adoption rate.

Non-Responsive Design

The tool was not responsive to different screen sizes and devices, users on mobile devices or tablets may have a poor experience, as the UI does not adapt appropriately.

Inadequate Error Handling:

Error messages, when they do appear, are often vague and do not provide clear guidance on how to resolve issues.



Our research gave us enough information to start building low fidelity wireframes of the new tool. We prioritize user experience over visual design.

Our team brainstormed on creating a low fidelity version of the new product.



Simplified Layout

We've overhauled the platform's layout, eliminating unnecessary clutter. The new design provides breathing space for content, making it easier for users to focus on their outreach tasks.

Responsive Design

We've ensured that ManyReach's new design is fully responsive, adapting seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Whether users are on a desktop, tablet, or mobile, the platform will provide a consistent and enjoyable experience.

Design System

Our journey to revamp ManyReach led us to a pivotal decision in the design process: the adoption of the ANT Design System.

While our usual approach involves crafting custom design systems tailored to our clients' unique needs, time constraints and the need for immediate action led us to choose an industry-standard design system that aligns seamlessly with ManyReach's vision for a modern and user-friendly experience.

Visual Design

‍With the design system and low-fidelity wireframes as our foundation, we embarked on the next phase of our journey: bringing the vision to life through visual design.

Our approach involved crafting multiple design variants to provide our client with a comprehensive view of the possibilities.

Here, we present the initial design options we explored, allowing our client to select the path that best aligns with ManyReach's identity.

‍Design Variant 1: Modern Elegance

This variant embodies a sleek and modern aesthetic. It focuses on minimalist elements, a clear and organized layout, and a fresh color palette. The design exudes professionalism, instilling a sense of trust and competence in users.

‍Design Variant 2: Vibrant Engagement

This variant embodies a sleek and modern aesthetic. It focuses on minimalist elements, a clear and organized layout, and a fresh color palette. The design exudes professionalism, instilling a sense of trust and competence in users.

Focusing on Quick Wins with UX

Focusing on Quick Wins with UX

We focus on creating delightful experiences that your customers love & they win with your product! Here are a few of many small features we integrated to ensure the success of our users:

Campaign Health Feature

Campaign Health Feature

After analyzing the cold outreach space, we realized a lot of people faced issues delivering their emails in the inbox. We talked to cold email experts and found out open rates are directly correlated to emails going to spam.

‍The solution? We created a ‘campaign health’ indicator that informs users if their campaigns are below unhealthy levels - a differentiating feature no other competitor has.

Campaign Progress Indicator

Campaign Progress Indicator

Some customer also complained about not understanding how much time is going to take for a campaign to complete. They wanted to know this to plan their next campaigns & dedicate marketing budgets to cold emailing.

The simple solution? A progress indicator right next to the campaign screen for users to see the status of campaigns at all times!

Bulk Settings Editor

Bulk Settings Editor

Customers constantly complained about doing too many redundant tasks. One of the core examples of changing settings for multiple campaigns. If users wanted to add another mailbox to 15 different campaigns, they had to individually open 15 campaigns, go to settings, and add the mailbox.

‍The simple solution? A bulk settings editor on a campaign level.

Test Campaign Feature

Test Campaign Feature

Readability is a big part of copywriting & users wanted to know how their cold emails were looking like in their prospects inbox - mobile & desktop. Competitors had their own ‘preview email’ feature which did not solve this problem.

To tackle this, users had to send this email to their own email to see how it looks in the inbox. We solved this by recreating the ‘preview email’ feature like this:



Spintax is a feature that allows users to create different versions of their email copy. For example, {RANDOM | Hey | Hi | Hello}} would either give hey, hi, or hello as an output randomly.

This feature helps to improve email deliverability but there is a tendency of users to create long spintax elements. If you’re ambitious though, you can make your emails look ugly with spintax.

The solution: a simpler spintax that allows users to have a clean email body.

Customers Loved The Re-design

Customers Loved The Re-design

‍We stand by our principle that our client’s customers are our customers. We value every feedback from the users. The community loved the new redesign. Have a look at what they had to say:

Are you ready to make UX your moat?

Are you ready to make UX your moat?

Talk to our team to discuss your project & see how we can help.

We design stunning MVPs or improve UX for SaaS.

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