Turning This Napkin Idea Into An SaaS MVP That Podcasters Love

Turning This Napkin Idea Into An SaaS MVP That Podcasters Love

Who Was The Client?

Who Was The Client?

Podcasters love talking to guests on their podcast but face a brutal challenge - producing & promoting each episode. It takes hours & thousands of dollars in hiring the right people.

Content Brew is an AI tool that helps podcasters create production & promotion assets for their podcast just with a few clicks saving them time & money!

Great Idea But No Direction

Great Idea But No Direction

When the founders of Content Brew came to us, all they had was their idea on a napkin & some hand-drawn wireframes. They had a vision to enable podcasters to do what they love - have conversations & forget about things they hate i.e. writing content.

AI tools are booming everywhere & it’s hard to make tech your MOAT. We had to make sure the user experience was so seemless that once people use the tool, they can’t go back.

We took on the challenge & started to bring Content Brew to life which is now loved by podcasters around the world!

This is what they initially sent us.

This is what they initially sent us.

A version they came up with

A version they came up with

Our redesign

Our redesign

The Testimonial

The Testimonial

The team pulled off the MVP really fast & really good. They were very proactive with researching about the industry & users before scoping the project. The final output justified their efforts - potential investors loved it & got great feedback from initial testing with users.

Bricx pulled off the MVP fast & exactly what we were looking for. Potential investors loved it & the overall feedback has been very positive.


The process

The process



We kicked off the project by scheduling interviews with the founders & some podcasters in their network.

After the research we realised two core insights

After the research we realised two core insights

Podcasters hate the process of creating show notes & social content for each episode. Currently, they are solving the problem by outsourcing this to freelancers or in house team members.

They tried other AI content tools in the past but they lacked quality & comprehensiveness of outputs. They eventually had to involve a person to edit the outputs.

After spending the initial few days on research, we used it to scope the MVP.

After spending the initial few days on research, we used it to scope the MVP.

Visual Design

Visual Design

Content Brew hired us to create their entire MVP & the brand assets going with them which included the logo, UI kit, typography, and colors.

We began by defining the project's visual goals. From there, we focused on establishing a consistent visual style, including colors, typography, and imagery. Iteration and feedback were essential in refining our designs, ensuring they resonated with our target audience before proceeding to the final high-fidelity designs.

High-Fidelty Designs

After all the steps have come together, we went ahead & produced high fidelity frames to create delightful user experiences for podcasters.

We shifted our focus from the layout to the finer details, crafting wireframes that were polished and paid attention to aesthetics and user interactions. We continued to refine and improve them through iterations, user feedback, and thorough testing before moving on to the final design implementation.

With just a few clicks, podcasters could generate all production & promotion assets required for each episode.

The Individual Elements

The Individual Elements

Onboarding Flow

The first step to AI content creation is to convert the audio file into a text transcript. Usually, it takes about 1-2 mins to do it.

The challenge: users wouldn’t wait 1-2 mins the first time they try to use the product.

The simple solution - ask for the audio file at the beginning of the onboarding flow & make the onboarding 1-2 mins long.

The onboarding allows us to personalize user experience & get them their transcript the moment they’re done with it.

The ‘aha’ moment!



The goal of the website was to create a fun & casual experience while focusing on maximizing conversions to try a free episode. We did the web design + development on Framer.

Tone of Voice

Tone of Voice

We found out from talking to users that the way our content sounded didn't match how they like to write. So, we added a new feature called 'select tone of voice.' With this feature, users can pick from different styles that better match their own. It's all about making our content fit your writing style, so you feel more comfortable using our platform.

Regenerate & Copy Buttons

Regenerate & Copy Buttons

Content Brew created their own LLM model & prompts to write these content pieces but sometimes the output wasn’t up to the mark. We created a ‘regenerate’ feature to recreate the same content piece.

We also added a small ‘copy’ post button to directly post it on social media or add it to their episode description.

YouTube vs Audio Upload

YouTube vs Audio Upload

We were told by the tech team that if users upload a link to their youtube video instead of uploading an audio file, we would reduce costs by 50%. We designed the upload episode to optimize for people uploading the link to the YouTube video instead of the audio file.

Brew All

Brew All

The tech team also informed us that generating all the outputs together was more cost efficient than generating them individually. Hence, the ‘brew all’ feature was introduced.

The Conclusion

The Conclusion

Content Brew was a success among podcasters. We got great feedback after testing it initial users.

Within 3 weeks, we completed the project from start to fruition. Podcasters have started to use the early version of the tool!

Are you ready to make UX your moat?

Are you ready to make UX your moat?

Talk to our team to discuss your project & see how we can help.

We design stunning MVPs or improve UX for SaaS.

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