

UX Redesign For SaaS

Go From ‘Complicated’ To ‘User-Friendly’ With A Product Redesign
Go From ‘Complicated’ To ‘User-Friendly’ With A Product Redesign

We redesign your SaaS to solve core UX issues by designing delightful user experiences.

Our customers are loving the new designs made by Bricx.

It has been a true game-changer for us to acquire & retain more customers.

Our customers are loving the new designs made by Bricx.

It has been a true game-changer for us to acquire & retain more customers.

Luka Pecavar

CEO & Co-Founder, Manyreach

Verified by GoodFirms

Stand Out In Crowded Markets With A UI/UX Redesign

We redesign your product for a premium experience improving retention, customer satisfaction, and positive reviews.

Cold Email Outreach App

View Project

With a user-centric approach, we did a complete redesign of our client's web app to increase new customer acquisition & retention.

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View Project

Property Research Product

We redesigned to make the experience of the product simple yet delightful for the user.

View Project

Boilerplate Marketplace App

We were faced with a challenge to create the branding for the website of the web app.

View Project

A Proven Process For Successful Redesigns

Discovery & Research

During this phase, we align with your vision for the MVP. We get acquainted with your industry, the problem you’re solving, and the user persona.

Onboarding Call

Competitive Analysis

User Interviews

User Surveys

UX Audit

Product Validation

UX Strategy

We create detailed user journeys & map all possible actions resulting in a comprehensive user flow. This helps us draft the information architecture for our redesign.

Customer Journeys

User Flows

Information Architecture

Brand Identity

We create a personalized moodboard to understand your visual design preferences. This sets the tone for all our UI efforts in the future which include the following.

Stakeholder Interview


UI Concepts

Brand Deck

Visual Design & Protyping

We incorporate your feedback every step of the way to create a consistent visual design style across all features of your redesign. We deliver a prototype of each feature to present to users or stakeholders.

Layout Design

UI Kit & Design Tokens

Edge Case Design

Hi-Fi Designs

Animation & Interactions

Intractable Prototypes

Testing & Validation

We take the prototype to market by talking to your users, running usability tests, and analyze the results to provide concrete recommendations.

Target Audience Research

User Validation

User Testing

Feedback Iterations

QA & Handoff

We closely collaborate with developers to ensure 1-to-1 development of the designs. We create in-depth dev hand-off documentation, loom explainer videos, and notes wherever required.

Design Documentation

Figma Workshop

Developed Design QA

Handoff Figma Files

Make user experience your competitive advantage with a redesign

Make user experience your competitive advantage with a redesign

Make user experience your competitive advantage with a redesign

Make user experience your competitive advantage with a redesign

Work directly with a design lead

Fair & transparent pricing

In-depth developer hand-off files

Professionally-designed websites & web-apps

Niche SaaS expertise

Book a call

We want your product on the market fast

We support you at every stage of your journey to reaching product market fit with your MVP.

Build Parallel

Due to our collaborative process, you always have access to all Figma files which can be developed parallelly. We do our best to make sure we ship the product to market as fast as possible.

Working with the team at Bricx has been fast-paced starting with the first interaction we had.

They understood my design requirements and provided valuable insights to improve the UX for the entire user journey.

Mike Nikles

Co-Founder, Webstone

Developer Friendly Outcome

With every feature we ship, we cover every possible edge case, include in-depth developer hand-off documents, and explainer loom videos to ensure perfect & fast development.

10/10 NPS

This means that every single client loves our work. We pride ourselves in only onboarding two clients each month & making sure you’re proud of what you see.

The Right Fit For Companies Of All Sizes

The Right Fit For Companies Of All Sizes

The Right Fit For Companies Of All Sizes

We’re a design partner to SaaS companies at every stage of their growth.

Bootstrapped Founders

We help uplift your existing product to compete with industry giants through a strategic UX revamp. 

Early Stage Startups

We design experiences to increase customer retention, improve adoption, and make your customers fall in love with your product(again). 


Tired of the old clunky designs? We help enterprise clients redesign their internal products to improve employee & user adoption.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of products do you specialize in redesigning?

How do you determine the changes needed in a redesign?

What’s the price for designing an MVP?

Can I see examples of your previous work?

How long does a typical redesign project take?

What involvement is required from my team during the redesign process?

How do you ensure the redesigned product is user-friendly?

What support do you offer after a redesign is launched?

How much does a product redesign cost?

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you specialize in?

What is a design request?

How do I ask for design requests?

What plan is best for me?

How many revisions are included in the plans?

How do I ask for design requests?

What design software do you use?

How many meetings are included in the plan?

How many meetings are included in the plan?

What kind of design work is included/excluded in the subscription?

Who will be my designer?

Why wouldn’t I hire a full-time designer?

How does the pause feature work?

Are there any refunds?

Tell us about your project

We only onboard two clients per month due to the personalized nature of our work.

BricxLabs © 2024. Contact at

Tell us about your project

We only onboard two clients per month due to the personalized nature of our work.

BricxLabs © 2024. Contact at

Tell us about your project

We only onboard two clients per month due to the personalized nature of our work.

BricxLabs © 2024. Contact at

Tell us about your project

We only onboard two clients per month due to the personalized nature of our work.

BricxLabs © 2024. Contact at

Tell us about your project

We only onboard two clients per month due to the personalized nature of our work.

BricxLabs © 2024. Contact at